Suggestions On Where To Find Free Persuasive Essay Examples

In a persuasive essay, you want to make your audience agree with you. You must use more than emotions to convince your readers, you must also have facts, quotes, data, stories, and statistics. All of this support must come from reliable and credible sources. If you need to look at completed papers in order to see how to write a persuasive essay, there are quite a few places where you can go.

Where to Find Free Examples

  • Look in the Library
  • Your library should have books of published essays in the reference section. Usually you cannot cheek out a reference book, but you can photocopy a few of the samples that you like. In addition to the books of samples in the library, your school may have an archive section of the best school essays. Ask your media specialist if your library has one of these folders.

  • Debate Sites
  • When a person is on a debate team, they argue a point. Debate is the art of persuasion in spoken form. You can find some really neat examples of papers at debate websites. Many debaters write out their ideas first, and most are not afraid to publish them. You can also ask the school debate coach to see some pieces to model. He or she is an expert on argumentation and support.

  • Your Teacher
  • Teachers love to keep copies of their students’ best work. If you go to see your teacher after school, ask him or her if you can see the folder of persuasive essays. You probably will not be able to take any of the pieces from the room, but just reading them will be a tremendous help to you.

  • A Writing Company
  • Writing companies want customers and yes, they cost money. However, in an effort to attract clients, they often post samples of their employees’ work. The entire piece may not be published, but you just need to see the introduction, one main point paragraph, and the conclusion. If you look at several different companies and their examples of persuasive papers, you should be able to get a good idea of how your composition should look when you are finished.

When you have a persuasive paper assigned, you will want to see examples. You can find samples in the library, at debate websites, from your teacher, and from a professional writing company.