How To Compose A Strong Introduction And Body For A Comparative Essay On Life Of Pi

When you finish the Life of Pi, you are often asked to write an essay on it. If, in this case, you have to produce a comparative essay, writing the strong introduction and body is of extreme importance because without either, you will never catch the attention of the reader and your arguments will be lost.

So, if you want to know how to make your arguments strong, follow the tips below:

  • Include a startling quote from the book or from another source which supports your thesis statement. If what you open with is startling or shocking, it will grab the attention of the reader. This is the goal of the introduction and if you fail to really hook the readers here, you will fail to hook their attention throughout the remainder of the essay.

  • You then need smooth transitions from the introductory section to the next section.

  • You must match the transitional statement at the end of each paragraph with a topic sentence at the beginning of the next paragraph. Using similar words will make it a smooth transition for the reader.

  • Have good organization for the body. Present your comparisons in whatever order best suits your thesis. For some students this means that you need an outline so that you can move around the order of your comparisons until you have determined the best organization. For some students they prefer to introduce their ideas from strongest to weakest, while others want to save the best for last and therefore prefer weakest to strongest. Some students, still, present their arguments in chronological order as it coincides with the book. This choice is really up to you and the point you are trying to make in your finished essay.

  • Always refer back to the thesis. Many students forget that each of the body sections is intended to support the thesis. Not every reader will naturally draw the line that you want them to draw, which is why it is incumbent upon you are the reader to make sure you point that out for them. If one argument directly supports your thesis, do not assume the reader will just know that. Instead, point it out in black and white so that they are sure to have the same understanding and draw the same connections as yourself.