Detecting a well-written APA essay example

There are many different majors you can choose from at your college or university. During your first two years, you can take a number of different courses, allowing yourself time to experience as much as possible before making your decision. One area of study you can select is Psychology. You can focus on this major in college or graduate school aiming to get a doctorate. Just like with your other course, you will be required to take a midterm and final examination. In addition, you will have to complete a term paper, or a series of essays throughout the semester. There are guidelines when writing essays, usually general rules from the school, as well as specific regulations from your professor. Most of them follow a certain style and manual, like the Chicago or Harvard writing style. In Psychology, it is no different. The APA (American Psychology Association) has developed a series of rules and regulations for the presentation of their term papers, dissertations, and essays. As you have never concentrated on this topic before, you are not familiar with its particulars, so in order to craft a quality essay, you may need some guidance.

Learning the style

Before you can look for examples of well written essays on psychology, it is imperative that you become fully versed in the APA guidelines for writing essays. Psychology is a dedicated major, a focused subject which you probably have never even taken a course in before attending college. Therefore, you are not familiar with its protocols. In order to evaluate examples of good essays, you need to be comfortable and knowledgeable about the guidelines.

Finding examples

There are many good resources of quality essays written on a variety of topics in the field of psychology. You could spend time in your library reviewing journals about the subject, carefully noting the use of the APA guidelines. There are magazines and books which are written in the style you require which can be reviewed. You can ask your professor to point you in the direction of the availability of quality well written articles, essays, and term papers all which utilize the APAP system.

Consider the internet

Another great resource is the internet. You can research exact guidelines of the APA, as well as see examples of essays written by experienced psychologists which exemplify the proper protocols to follow when writing an essay on the topic. You can also view other students in colleges who are writing essays about the same topics as you, and examine their use of the system.
